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To scale access to the existing network of individual clinicians and small organizations that treat the whole client safely and effectively, Lichen provides the administrative support, infrastructure and economies of scale present in established healthcare networks and venture-backed startups. Lichen Central is an open platform that educates the public about holistic healing, prepares clients for treatment and clinicians for training.


 Social Media 

Writing content, cutting videos, building an audience and engaging them takes significant time and resources. Wherever possible, Lichen Central leverages its footprint to support, showcase and give a voice to the organizations and individuals making a difference, everyday. Think of us as Humans of New York, highlighting the remarkable, positive impact that people are having on each other and the planet, much of which you’d never know about, if you were only privy to what “goes viral” and “gets scale” within our narcissistic, fear and avoidance-based media culture.


 Industry Events 

Often, those with the deepest wisdom are not the faces you see on stage as experts. They're too busy doing the work to explain or promote it; and, they're averse to the work of building a personal brand. Lichen works with conferences, universities, nonprofit and for profit organizations to tap Network members with compelling messages, helping them to develop content and present targeted wisdom that drives awareness, interest, investment in and adoption of holistic healing practices that are tailored to the unique needs of their audience.


Sorted by Department, Symptom and Treatment (to bridge to incumbent healthcare system) and navigable by peer recommendations (to harness the wisdom of peers and professionals you trust); think of Lichen Library as a healing and growth Wikipedia meets Medium, with a clear path to turn information into action via Network. Because we are our most potent healing asset, self directed contemplation, education, advocacy & preparation ensures better outcomes for clients and saves clinicians and teachers time in educating, and/or recommending content during the contemplation phase.


 Book Club 

The trauma inherent in pathologizing bio-logical responses to systemic and attachment trauma can be isolating and shaming. Lichen Book Club connects you with others walking a similar path of healing, with experiential exercises and homework assignments tailored to help you apply what you've learned about healing your symptoms. Once a critical mass of requests is made around a given book, a moderator is chosen and a weekly time/day for club is found based on member schedules. 


Both network members and those in the contemplation phase can join weekly consultation circles with a rotating team of holistic healers across mental, physical, spiritual, social and ecological health. With legal protection from Central, these experts are free to discuss the risks and benefits of various healing modalities with attendees. As part of a rotating group, practitioners share the burden of public advocacy, harm reduction and education. A meeting steward documents the recommended preparatory steps attendees can take to begin their healing path, which is sent as notes to non network members, and is used to inform Kaleidoscope of Care or Training plans for members.

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