We are all Sacred
We honor the sacred one-ness by treating all equally in our separateness
We all hold the shadow and the light
We are the problem and the solution
Love (and safety) are all you need
With the right tools and relationships (human, plant, animal, elemental and spiritual); humans heal themselves
To help others to heal, always start with yourself (and never stop)
Power = Responsibility
The more power you are given (internally at Lichen and externally in our social systems), the more responsibility you have to:
Look at yourself first when conflict arises
Keep those with less power safe
Give back power where it shouldn't be yours
Individual liberation, is social justice, is environmental restoration
Compensation is based on the need of the employee and their community; ownership is shared equally
The risks, challenges and failures of early stage projects are assumed on by those with the privilege and safety to experiment
Once scalable resources and infrastructure are ready, we prioritize the most disenfranchised first, with reparations built in
Accountability and Transparency, with Compassion
Our finances and operations are transparent. If we shy away from systemic disclosure, there's shadow work to be done
Risks, mistakes, and ruptures are shared as openly as success stories, breakthroughs and “wins”
The shadow of our past is always part of the story we tell to those shaping our future